September 6, 2008

  • Strange Mail Received Weds.


           My wife received this letter Wednesday. It came addressed to Karen A. Ferguson, or current resident, in an envelope with no return address, stamped with a postage meter, and mailed from the neighboring town of Ashland,Ky.

           She had thrown it in the garbage, assuming it to be junk mail, but for some reason, got it back out and opened it Thursday morning. Quite a surprise.




            Strange, but welcome, mail indeed. She says she's putting it in her Christmas gift fund for the grandkids.

            I suggested we go to O'Charley's and pig out on prime rib and beer, which got me the expected dirty look, lol.

           Has anybody heard of anything like this? I sure have not! Until now!


    Have a great weekend everybody!



Comments (28)

  • @bonzojferardi - Well thanks, that made my day!

  • @buddly47 - No, I don't think I will blog about it but I just HAD to tell you considering the sheer coincidence of your post!

  • @bonzojferardi - WHOOT!!! That's pretty weird,huh? You gonna blog about it? Congrats!!

  • You are NOT going to freaking believe this.  We just got a mysterious letter (handwritten address, no return address) in today's mail with a postal money order made out to us wrapped in a piece of paper with "God Bless You" on it!  All I will say is that it was substantially more than $100!  What a day!  What a miracle!  What generosity!  Now I hope someday I can "pay it forward" in whatever way possible!

  • Wow! That's awesome. We need to all be a bit more like the sender of that mail. That's cool.

  • @bonzojferardi - I don't see him as frequently as I would like to,myself!

  • @buddly47 - Gosh, it's been so long for me I completely forgot that Ben Franklin was on the $100 bill!  

  • @bonzojferardi - It's got me looking at things a little closer before I toss 'em!

  • WOW!  Guess I need to pay more attention to my junk mail!  

  • My wife and I have done this on several occasions. Once, I happened to witness the couple opening the letter (long story). It was so neat to watch their amazement, and then the tears of joy as they read the letter over and over, talking about how the money had come at a time when they really needed it. They never found out who "did it." The anonymous part really makes it fun.

  • @SaadiaOnline - Never really thought about it like that. But I believe you may be absolutely right (as always )! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  • If you find out who sent it, would you mind giving them my address?   WOW! Unexpected joy in an envelope!

  • me too and most chocolate   oink

  • I think it's totally cool.  What comes around goes around.  I'm sure Karen has done tons of nice things for people over the years.  She deserves a little gift like that!!!

  • ::snickers quietly behind her hand::

  • @seedsower - What a cool thing to do! No wonder Angi loves you so much!

  • Wow, i am glad that she opened it!
    I handed out dollars to all the kids at the county fair and asked them to do something good for someone with it.It wasn't muck but it was enough to get someone a drink or candy.I saw a few kids doing that.

    @angi1972 - Incredible! Did you ever blog that?

  • How wonderful , to know there is someone with deep compassion.  Thank God there is !

  • @adventofreason - Methinks you know me too well, oki!hehehe


  • @angi1972 - WOW! What a story Ang! That made my day!And, knowing you, I'm sure you will do that for someone, someday!

  • Christmas gift fund for the grandkids sounds good but I like your idea too.  Sounds like something I might suggest to my wife.

  • What a nice thing! I'd love to be able to do something lke that someday.

    Once about six years ago, around christmas time. I had a volkswagon cabrilet convertable... we all packed into it to go to the store... Ben and the two kids and I. It wasn't a comfortable car for the family, but it was paid for... any way, it died at the bottom of a hill... We got out and pushed it into a parking lot and got back in and were sitting there trying to deciede what to do... All of a sudden a woman came up to my husbands window... I thought he must know her... anyway she said hi and stuck her hand in the window like she wanted to shake my hand... I took it and while she was shaking my hand she said "I once had two kids in the back of a volkswagon too, God bless."  and walked away leaving me with some money in my hand.

    I hadn't even noticed... Ben said "Why did you take that?" I didn't know! I would never take money from someone. He looked and there it was... 300$ ! She was gone!. Guess how much it cost to have the car fixed... 296 and change...

    Ever since then I have thought WOW How cool would it be to be able to do that for someone else... Someday I will.

    Hope your honey has fun doing some shopping for the grand babies!

  • pass it forward, now it's your turn!

  • Well, in that context, it is a little odd.  It is mysterious, but nonetheless pretty cool.  Maybe they will send you something too . . . perhaps a case of beer?  :)


  • @adventofreason - @Still_groovy - It is neat in a way but a little worrisome too. It's like a random mailing, but someone has her name and address and we're not listed in the phone book. But then, it was addressed to her or "current resident". Kinda strange.

  • That is so neat!  I'm so glad your wife happened to get that letter back out of the trash!  It would be a complete shame for that money to have been thrown away.  I think if I could afford to do something like that, I would want to put something on the envelope to prevent the recipient from throwing it away, unopened.  But doing so might cause someone else to take it first.  Oh well, it was a wonderful thing, and I'm happy for your wife!


  • There is a man around here who is quite wealthy and once a week goes into one of our local chain convenience stores and buys 5 $100 gas cards.  He typically hands them out to women with children who look like they are having a tough time.  There are a lot of stories about who is and why he does it, but they are only legends.  The fact is, it happens.  Happened to a friend of mine.  Awesome. 


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