Month: February 2008

  • What a wonderful thing silence can be. Came home tonight and the kids and grandkids are on the way back to Omigod Nebraska to sign the papers on their new house and start living in the good ol' USA again. I know John hates leaving the Abram tank crews and Carly misses her friends in Germany,but I think they both understand John needs to move on ,rank and points will come much faster as a recruiter. Sometimes life sucks,but it sure beats the only alternative!!!!

    On an even better note,Karen tells me Matt,our 36 year old son (for those that don't know us),who has been living with us for what seems like an eternity since his divorce,will be moving to Myrtle Beach next week,already has a job lined up and a place to stay(with friends)!!! I love him dearly,but damn,THANK YOU GODD!!!!!



  • John,Carly and the kids have been home since Monday evening. Was really nice to see them all after two years in Germany! Not saying their welcome is wearing thin,just a little tired of all the noise. Actually it's not really them,just a bad week for me. Jack's on vacation (in Florida,sorry Hazlea,I wish you could be in Fla. also,I know you deserve a break)and I've got five or six 13 hour days to pull at work and would like to have my old ass in bed by 10 or so and that's when they get back to the house from visiting friends(sometimes with friends in tow)grab something to eat,have a few beers,go upstairs to shoot some pool and watch TV!!!! Oh well,it'll be over in a few more days if I can manage to live thru it. I could handle it better with a load of  good bourbon in me gut but that would make the 13 hours at work a lot tougher to get thru. Screwed either way(LOL).